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Terminator Terminated?

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January 28, 2007
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So I just read an article on that says if the 2nd season ratings for Terminator: The Sarah Conner Chronicles don't improve FOX is going to cancel the show.

When I'd read some of the reviews for season 1 from people in the UK (who got to see it before we did, and I think the only reason we EVER saw it air here was as "filler" during the writers' strike), I wasn't expecting much as it seemed a lot of the reviews I read hated it.

But I actually really liked it and couldn't wait for season 2, which I think is doing a great job of furthering the story - now we've got a liquid metal terminator involved and we've seen more clips of the fight in the future too.

I can't understand why the show would be doing badly in the ratings - it's only real competition is "Chuck" on NBC. "Chuck" was ok at first, but I'm sorry I just don't buy him as a legitimate nerd anymore. Truth be told the ONLY reason I even watched season 1 of "Chuck" was because Adam "Jayne Cobb" Baldwin is in it. Summer Glau as a Terminator vs. "Nerd Herd" CIA shenanigans? No contest, the Terminator wins. Or at least it SHOULD, so what the hell is wrong with viewers anyway?

Or maybe it's the "Curse of Firefly." You know, the curse where anyone who was on "Firefly" and gets another series on FOX sees that series canceled too?

I'm beginning to think that anyone with a sci-fi series to pitch should do all of fandom a favour and just pitch it to the Sci-Fi Channel and forget about FOX - who have proved time and again they don't really have much interest in airing science fiction series.

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March 23, 2006
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Fox keep you slimy paws off ot term..
I really like the direction the show has taken, but hate to say this but US tv seems to kill off the good shows and keep the c$*p.
Trek, crusade, something is out there the 80's war of the worlds, what goes on???
Am not saying UK is any better but at least most sci-fi gets two or three seasons to get decent ratings.

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September 19, 2008
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`It used to be understood that a series first season was intended to work out the ----- and that it would improve. Terminator certainly has done that, but the difficulty is that most fans of these shows, (such as myself) don't usually watch them when they air, but TIVO them or stream them online after the fact. This seriously skews the ratings for a show like this as it has a much bigger following than the ratings will show.

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October 18, 2008
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`Found this today on the news page of this site...

Published October 19, 2008, 10:00 am in io9 Tags: The rumormongers were wrong  despite uneven ratings, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles got a full-season order from Fox on Friday.

BTW, Jeni1243, I think you are quite right about the holes in the current television rating system

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March 14, 2006
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`I think the writers strike kind of put a damper on new shows this season, they have not kept their viewers. Pushing Daisies has been canceled recently and Heroes is struggling in the ratings, the bad part is FOX moved "Sarah Connor" to Fridays starting in February, a death sentence for shows ratings wise.

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`I am sadden a great deal by the loss of T:SSC esp. considering the way they ended season two. I mean, come on people you can not leave it there. That's just so mean. *cries*

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